Tuesday 17 January 2012

How To Gain The Weight

When it comes to bodybuilding many people don’t know How To Gain The Weight. I was like this until I found out the secrets to put on weight and pack on the muscle that I always wanted. Before I tell you how I did this let me introduce myself, my name is Adam Gillan. I used to be a skinny guy and when I say skinny I mean skinny. I just sued to weigh under 9 stones. Now to me this was really embarrassing and because of my body I lacked in so much confidence. Just like you and many others I was not able to attract the opposite sex like my mates were, this was obviously due to me being so skinny and wimpy.  I was tired of this and finally thought to myself I need to change my body. Now as you may know there is so much information about how to gain weight on the internet that it makes it all so confusing. Especially as I had no idea what I was doing but this all changed when I met a man called Vince Del Monte. Vince is a WBFF pro fitness model that showed me everything I need to know on how to gain muscle and size and because of him I am now weigh over 15 stones with rock solid muscle and a 6 pack that most guys are envies of. Vince Del Monte has been coaching people for over 10 years. He has released many programs to help us skinny guys and fat guys to look like all the models we see. But his best program for people that have wanted to gain weight has been the No Nonsense Muscle Building program. This is the same program that he gave me. Many people have bought this program and have got amazing results from it.

If you want to check out the program then just click on the link and you will be able to find out more information and also see some real life proof on How To Gain The Weight.

Now let me tell you some benefits of Vince’s program are that he tells you everything you need to know in full detail in his manual book. This book is quite long but is a must read for anyone that is interested in gaining weight. There is also a lot of high quality content that will show you How To Gain The Weight quickly without putting on any fat. The best thing about getting this program is being able to get 24/7 support from Vince himself. This really helped me a lot because I knew that I could get help when I needed it and also it made me feel like I was not going at it all alone. Other benefits of getting the program is that you will have a full 6 months of meal plans made for you, this will save you time and effort on deciding what to eat etc. All the meal plans can be changed to suit you. Also you are given precise workouts with tempos, reps and sets; this will show you exactly what you need to do. Lastly with this program you will only be working out for 3 hours max in a week. This may sound a bit less but when you are starting out less is always more. 

I am going to be honest about this program and tell you that there have been some complaints about it. Most of these complaints are normally coming from people that have only done like one month in the program and expect to gain over 30 pounds of muscle. This isn’t really they fault for thinking this because so many people put out false information. The truth is that you can only put on 1 to 2 pounds of muscle every week. When you are starting out you can normally put on more than this. From the results I have seen from people that have used it and my own results I can tell you that the program does work and you will know How To Gain The Weight but you will have to give it some time and will have to work hard at it. So don’t expect amazing results in less than 1 or 2 months. It takes time to change your body; it has taken me over two years. But remember when you put the effort in with this program you will look great and pack on a lot of weight and muscle. 

So if you are interested in How To Gain The Weight then just click the link to check out the program. I'm sure you will be happy with the results that you will get with this program.